Upgrading the drivers
Follow these instructions to upgrade with new drivers on our web
- Download
the latest drivers from this web site, if you haven't done so already.
- Extract the downloaded drivers.
- Install the drivers.
Extracting the drivers
When you have downloaded the latest drivers from the web site,
follow these steps to extract the drivers:
- Run the downloaded .exe file. You can do this by double-clicking the
file, or by clicking Start, clicking to Run, then browsing to the file.
- When prompted to extract the driver files into a folder called
apoc3dx on your hard disk, click Unzip to extract the driver files.
- When all files have been extracted, click Close to exit the Winzip
dialog box.
You are now ready to install
the drivers.
Installing the drivers
- Run the file setup.exe in the apoc3dx folder, and follow the
on-screen instructions for installing the drivers.
- When the drivers are upgraded, a message is displayed asking
whether you want to restart Windows. Click Yes.
When your computer has restarted Apocalypse 3Dx is ready to use.